Sapphire is interested in the following:
- She wants to know is writing instruction is necessary for elementary school students.
- She wants to compare writing instruction classes to classes with no writing instruction.
- Do JHS students feel that it is necessary to learn English in ES?
- She thinks ES needs a little writing.
Tentative title for Sapphire:
The way of connecting aural language to letters in elementary school and how junior high schools can support the project in elementary schools.
Bridging elementary school and junior high school English education through connecting aural language learning with the study of letters.
Her tentative idea is to propose a method for letter instruction. Sapphire needs to consider how to propose such a method.
Crazy Chicken
Crazy Chicken researched about how grammar is taught in elementary schools in various foreign countries.
She is comparing the aim of English education and contents. She found that most countries aims are almost the same; they include the ability of communication, becoming familiar with sounds, comparing cultures, respect for other cultures.
She is interested in comparing teaching methods. She would like to observe an English class in HS in the USA and Japan. James’ recommendation: Investigate WHY a US teacher and a Japanese teacher teach the way they do.
Two weeks, superwoman will talk about context.
In his HS he only had Yakudoku class but his Iwate university teachers said don’t do that type of class. However, he only has experience with Yakudoku.
An Idea
Yakudoku vs. Communicative Approach
Give an overview of how each are used in Japan.
Discuss the positive and negative aspects of each
Show and analyze actual Yakudoku and Communicative high school lessons.
Make a proposal for a new method that incorporates the good aspects of both approaches.
Next time: Sassy will give us a progress report and everyone will help James make a questionnaire.