November 16, 2016: The coming collapse of English Education

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We read 英語教育、迫りくる破たん。Our summaries and thoughts are below.

Junior, Shinchan, Tetsuko and Tsushi:  They read Otsu Yuki’s part.

Title is “Why is the policy of English education mistaken? ”

English education in Elementary school. He disagree with this idea. Because there are many teachers who are not good at English. And there are 3 reasons. First, if we teach for elementary school children, they might dislike English. Second, teachers in elementary school can not teach base of English communication. Third, teachers in elementary school can not teach introduction (grammar and vocab) because they are not professional of English education.

Mr. Hall’s question: What is “コミュニケーションの素地?”

The author did not say about it in the book.

It cost much budget to make English as a subject in elementary school.

The author said that studying L1 and L2 is different. In L1 we use it in daily. But in L2 we do not have opportunity to speak it.

He also said that we can not study English in short term.  He said studying grammar is important. Grammar that used in English textbooks is short, so students can not have creativity more. From that, students who studying with those textbooks just studying the example sentences and can not create own sentences. He said, English class in elementary school use only English but students do not have enough grammar knowledge, so he mentioned that kind of English class is meaningless.

Mr.Otsu is cognitive linguistic 認知言語学 and  it is a way of studying language and way of analyzing grammar.




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