Thesis writing plans


Title: The difference between Finish and Japanese Elementary Schools

  1. Rationale for this study
    • Include research questions
  2. Methodology
    • Discuss how you will find the information
  3. The Education System in Finland
  4. English Education at Finish Elementary Schools
  5. English Education at Japanese Schools
  6. A comparison of English education at primary school in Finland and Japan
  7. Lessons to be learned from Finland for Japan in 2020
  8. Conclusion


Next time we meet, tell us about the education system in Finland


Title: A study of tests and evaluation from the perspective of CLT

Introduction: Rationale

  1. Literature Review of Theory
  • What is communicative ability?
  • How is communicative ability tested?
  • What kind of communicative ability is targeted in Japanese English education?
  • How is this ability assessed?
    • 実力試験
    • 英検
    • 高校入試?
    • teacher’s test

2. Methodology: Procedures for making the test: What kinds of items did you create and why? Who did you pilot the test on and when? How did you confirm the reliability of the test?

3. Findings

  • What were the scores?
  • Which items were reliable?
  • Which items were not reliable?

4. Discussion

  • Was the test successful in measuring communicative ability?

5. Conclusion

Testuko: English Education to Enhance Children’s Self Esteem

Idea: Have students write about one experience in school that gave them confidence and one experience that decreased their confidence.

Tsushi: A study of the problems and prospects of English Education in Elementary Schools: Hints from research schools

  1. Rationale
  2. Change in the New Course of Study
  3. What kind of effect will this change have on students’ development?
  4. What is a methodology that will make use of students’ developmental level?
    • Phonics
    • How to handle grammar
  5. Methodology: Observation
  6. Findings
    1. Observation of School A
    2. Interview with teachers at School A
    3. Observation of School B
    4. Interview with teachers at School B
  7. Discussion: How do the schools compare to the principles written in the literature review
  8. Conclusion

Sakuranbo: A study of mixed level classes

  1. Rationale: What are good activities for the mixed ability class?
  2. Principles for dealing with mixed levels and managing behavior
  3. Methodology: Interview teachers
  4. Findings (Interview results)

Frankie: Perceptions of global citizens and Japanese in US education

  1. Rationale: What is a global citizen?
  2. Who are English speakers?
  3. Theories about what constitute global citizenship
  4. In what ways does English education in Japan attempt to promote global citizenship?
  5. What are some criticisms that English education in Japan receives about this?
  6. Methodology: Textbooks?
  7. Findings: Answers from teachers about global citizenship


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