Common European Framework of References for Languages
What is CEFR?
CEFR is a way for defining English proficiency
CEFR is used to produce textbooks and many countries are now designing their foreign language curricula to be compatible with it.
CEFR and Curricular Resources
CEFR Homepage
Full-text of the original CEFR
Grammar and vocabulary for CEFR
(The above site allows you to search for the CEFR level of words and grammar)
CEFR Descriptors for Children aged 7 – 10
(These are CEFR “Can dos” specifically for children. It was updated in late 2018. )
CEFR Report on Grammar and Topics for Each CEFR Level
(This gives ideas for grammar and topics for each CEFR level)
Resources for People in Japan
CEFR-J website
(You can download CEFR specifically made for Japan)
We can! and Let’s Try Wordlist
(A list of We can! and Let’s try! words compiled by the Hall laboratory.)