Journal Article
Brenner, S. (2008). Some thoughts on teaching a mixed ability class. Scottish Languages Review, 18, 1-10
Most teachers have to teach mixed ability groups but they might not be mixed ability teaching strategies. Teachers need to notice mixed abilities.
Previous research:
HMIE (HM Inspectors of Education): Showed good and bad practices within 16 secondary schools. Also, showed lessons that were considered poor or too teacher-led with interruptions. In good classes, teachers use a variety of teaching methods and share the purposes of lessons and activities with learners.
Methods for teaching pupils to be effective learners:
- Using variety to cover different learning styles.
- Offer a menu activities
- Teaching pupils learning strategies
- Cooperative group work or tiered activities
How is it related to her topic: She learned that most classes are mixed ability and that teachers have to prepare for it.
Ways to pursue the research (Secondary Research):
Examining different types of abilities in foreign language learning and appropriate teaching methodologies
RQ 1: What are different ways that learners can vary in ability?
RQ 2: What are teaching methodologies appropriate for these different abilities?
- Read the previous literature on mixed ability
- Different types of foreign language aptitude
- Different learning styles
- Different types of motivation
- Learning disabilities
- Emotional difficulties (情緒障害)
- Effect of the teacher
- Background (family)
- Multiple intelligences
- Describe teaching methods for the different kinds of abilities
- Propose a JHS curriculum which can handle mixed abilities
Frankie the Hot Dog Guy
Rentel, K. (1991). A Review of the Current Status of Global Education in the U.S. Geographical Sciences, 46 (4), 257 – 262
Define global education: Perspective consciousness: see the world from somebody else’s point of view. Individuals make different decisions based on different culture and value frameworks. One of the goals of perspective consciousness is to help students be comfortable with and capable of interacting with people who have different perspectives. In doing this, Global Education can find commonalities that can be found across different cultures and ethnicity.
Relation to research: One useful way to define the purpose global education.