Songs and Chants (英語科教育法(小))

Helpful words

The below words will be helpful for you to learn about songs and chants.


  • Be able to explain the benefits of using music.
  • Do a song activity that has one of the benefits for using music.


In groups discuss the following:

  • What kind of English children’s songs are you familiar with?
  • Of these songs, which would be appropriate for children in grades 3 to 4? Which would be appropriate for children in grades 5 – 6?

I Introduction

Challenge 1: Read and then answer these questions.

  1. Why do songs “get stuck in our heads”?
  2. How does music help children’s language learning?
  3. What song have you ever got “stuck in your head”?

Have you ever had a song “stuck in your head”? When this happens, you cannot help thinking about the melody of the lyrics of a song. Our brains love patterns and that is why song lyrics can get “stuck” in our heads. Songs and chants are an important part of teaching English to young learners. Through music, children can acquire English words and phrases that they could not through explicit instruction.

II Let’s Experience! – the Power of Music

James talks about his first experience using music with children. Read the below passage and then try challenge 2:
Teaching at Taro Kindergarten, June, 2011

One day, I was teaching as a volunteer at Taro Kindergarten after the 3/11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.  I was nervous and the children were nervous and the class was going terribly. I suddenly decided to play a song that Mary Burkitt recommended to me.

First, I said the words and asked the children to do the actions with me as I said them.

Then, I played the song and we sang and acted out the words together. After the song, the children said “again!” so we did the song about three more times. This was an important experience for me because I learned the power of music.

Challenge 2: How did James do this song? In your groups, try to repeat the steps that James took to teach this song.

Below is a video of James’ style.


III Effectiveness of Songs

*Adapted from Brewster & Ellis (2004)

Challenge 3:

Below are ways that songs and chants can be used to help students’ language learning. Think back to when you were an elementary school student. Which ways did songs help your English learning? Choose some of the ways below and write them in your worksheet. Be ready to tell your choices to other students.

If songs were not helpful to you. Please explain why.

Language (言語的な面)

  • Songs can be used for learning new words and phrases
  • Songs can be used as a means to review previously learned words and phrases.
  • Songs can be done over and over again which provides a lot of practice.
  • Songs can help develop all four English skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.
  • Songs are great for learning pronunciation and prosody.

Psychological/ affective Arieas(情意的な面)

  • Songs and chants can motivate learners because they are fun.
  • Songs and chants can reduce tension.
  • When children can perform a song and chant, they can gain confidence.

Cognition (認知的な面)

  • Beneficial for increasing students concentration or ability to remember.
  • Through repeating the song, children can predict which words will come next as they sing. This will help them acquire words and expressions.
  • Through moving while singing, children can improve their understanding of the meaning of words.

Culture (文化的な資料として)

  • Children can learn about culture by comparing English songs with Japanese songs.

Social Areas(社会的な面)

  • Students can develop closer relationships with others through singing together.
  • Students can learn the fundamentals of performing or acting.


  • 新しい表現を導入したり、文型や語彙の補充や反複を可能にする
  • 既習の表現を、新しく興味をそそるような形式で、面白く想像力に富んだ文脈の中で掲示してくれる。
  • 自然に楽しく、何回も反複できる。
  • 発音に関するあらゆる面の改善に役立つ。
  • やる気を起こさせるし、楽しい。そして、目標とする表現に対する積極的な態度を育てるのに役立つ。
  • 子どもたちをおびえさせないし、プレッシャーを感じている子どもでも、クラス全体やグループで一緒に歌ったりチャンツを唱えたりすれば安心する。
  • 友だちや家族に自慢したり、教えたりできる言い回しを学べるので、成就感を高め、子どもたちに自信を持たせることができる。
  • 集中力、記憶力、調整力を伸ばすのに役立つ
  • 繰り返すことによって、子どもたひは次に来る言葉を予測して言えるようになり、言語事項を定着させることができる。
  • 歌やチャンツなどに伴う動作や身振りは、意味をよりはっきりさせるが、積極的に取り組ませるのにも役立つ。
  • 歌、ライム、チャンツは実際に使われているものなので、言語学習プログラムの文化的な部分にきよできる。子どもたちはそれぞれ自分たちの母語のものと比べてみようという気にさせられる。
  • みんなで一緒に歌ったりチャンツを唱えたりすることは、社会的経験を共有することであり、クラスやクルー部の自覚を高めるのに役立つ。
  • 演技や演示の基礎として利用できる。


Brewster, J. & Ellis, G. (2004) The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. Penguin

ブルースター, J. & エリス, G. (2002). 『小学校英語指導法ハンドブック』玉山大学出版部.

IV Let’s Experience!

Challenge 4: Design a song activity

Make groups of 2 or 4.

Watch the video of this song. After watching the video answer the following.

  1. Which of the following would you focus on: Language, Psychological/ Affective Areas, Cognition, Social Areas. Why?
  2. What steps would you take to teach this song?

Be ready to present your answers to other groups or the class.

Song Lyrics

This is the way we wash our face, wash our face, wash our face
This is the way we wash our face, so early in the morning

This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair
This is the way we comb our hair, so early in the morning

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth
This is the way we brush our teeth, so early in the morning

This is the way we put on our clothes, put on our clothes, put on our clothes
This is the way we put on our clothes, so early in the morning

Other expressions

take off our pajamas

eat some eggs

drink some milk

do my homework

go to school

read a book

watch TV

ride my bike

Karaoke Version of the Song

V Reflection

What is something you learned today about using music in elementary school?
