中間発表(Mid-term Presentations)

1. A New Curriculum for English as a Subject (Tsushi)

Yamazaki Sensei recommends Tsushi considers a functional syllabus.

James thinks that Tsushi should look up and reference various elementary school English syllabi.

2. Research on English Vocabulary (Araiguma)

Araiguma has tried her own original method for helping students learn the prefixes and suffixes of verbs.

3. A Study of the Relationship between Self-affirmation and English Education (Tetsuko)

She seeks to propose how lesson planning can encourage students’ self affirmation.

4. A Study of Reading Tests and their Evaluation from the Perspective of Communicative Competence (Junior)

Junior will develop a new kind of reading test to evaluate students’ communicative competence.

5. Suggestions for the Elementary School Class on Discrimination (Motoi)

Motoi will use previous research to come up with an innovative idea for teaching about discrimination at schools.

6. A study of effective methods for conducting mixed level English classes (Sakuranbo)

Sakuranbo thinks this issue is something that all teachers are dealing with. Mixed level classes have various interpretations as the meaning of “level.”

7. The effect of ICT on English Teaching (Little Yoshi)

Little Yoshi was wondering about the point of using ICT when he was doing his teaching practice. For this reason, he decided to investigate ICT.

8. How to Create Meaningful Activities in English Classes (Shuto)

Shuto will focus on career education as a means from encouraging meaningful learning of English. Ultimately, he hopes to produce a new kind of career education learning program.

9. The Difference between English Education in Finland and Japan (Shinchan)

He talked about the role of Equality and Equity in education in Finland.

10. Perception of global citizens in high school

He talked about the difference between global citizenship and internationalization. He decided to investigate how English education in Japan promotes global citizenship.

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