Read, “The Eiken Test, Investigation.”
The author had 168 students of his students take the test. He analyzed the reliability and validity of the test. The author calculated the reliability at 82%. He considered it low.
Ted learned the primary criteria for evaluating tests: reliability and validity. A test is valid if it measures what it claims to measure. The researcher investigated the validity by
- comparing the level of the test to the level of students it was testing.
- considering whether or not the content reflected “daily life in Japan” as the test claims.
- considering whether the items really measure the abilities that they claim to.
- considering whether there are poorly constructed test items.
Read, “Content Based Instruction: A Study Focusing on a Japanese Senior EFL Classroom”
There are three types of CBI: Theme-based model, shelter model, adjunct model
RQ: Does CBI help students improve their attitude and abilities in English?
Methodology: Taught 10 classes and gave a questionnaire to students before and after as well as a proficiency test score.
Result: CBI is effective for improving students’ attitudes and abilities.
Ayano is interested if the problems that teachers experience are similar to the problems written about in the paper.