Interested in self-esteem. Student, elementary school
Method: Questionnaire
Self-efficacy theory
To do: Learn about self-esteem. Choose a theory and then decide who and what to investigate.
Compare English education between Finland and Japan in elementary school
Shinchan wants to
- give an overview of education in both countries.
- focus on foreign language education in primary schools.
Has continued to develop the questionnaire.
Make a rubric about global citizenship. Read this for ideas about theories.
“A study of the problems and prospects of English education in elementary schools”
- How does one mix modules with normal classes?
- Evaluation (Performance tests)
To do:
- Understand the problem with evaluation (研修ガイド)
- Learn about appropriate evaluation methods
- Design evaluation materials for 新教材
There are four types of validity:
- Content validity (Fair distribution)
- Criterion related validity (Correlated with external tests)
- Construct validity (Test tasks match what you want to evaluate)
- Surface validity (Test-takers understand the rationale behind the test)