An Introduction to CLIL

  1. Give a definition of CLIL. How has the definition changed? Do you think CLIL can be used in Japan?

An approach or method which integrates the teaching of content from the curriculum with the teaching of a non-native language. In 2002, CLIL focused on intercultural knowledge but in 2009 it focused on other subjects. Bubbles thinks CLIL cannot be used in Japan. For example, such subjects as Science are complicated enough in the first language. Another problem is we cannot find bilingual teachers.

  1. What are the aims of CLIL? Which aims might be relevant to either ES, JHS, or HS? Which aims are not relevant for any level?
    1. Introduce learners to new concepts (ES?)
    2. Improve learners’ production of subject language.
    3. Improve learners’ performance in subjects and language
    4. Increase confidence in target language and mother tongue. (ES)
    5. Provide materials which develop thinking skills. (ES)
    6. Establish stronger values of community and citizenship.
    7. To make the subject the main focus.
  2. What is Soft and Hard CLIL? What kind of CLIL is relevant for Japan?
    1. Soft: Schools teach topics from the curriculum as part of a language course.
    2. Hard: Schools teach partial immersion where almost half the curriculum is taught in the target language.
  3. What are the four Cs. Are any of these Cs being accomplished in current English education?
    1. Contents, communication, cognition, & Culture,
  4. Explain the difference between BICs and CALP. At what grade level is BICs and CALP covered in Japanese schools?
    1. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
    2. Cognitive academic language proficiency.
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