Jamie Hall's Home Page

Self Introduction
I am an associate professor at the Department of English Education at the Iwate University Faculty of Education. My primary job is to prepare students in the faculty to become English teachers at junior/senior high schools or to teach English in elementary schools. I first came to Iwate University in 2003 after living in Hokkaido for four years. My hometown is Boston, Massachusetts. I ambitiously made this site about 10 years to provide links to my projects and classes, but, alas, from facebook to twitter to blogs to academia and researchgate, there seem to be too many mediums out there for me to update.
岩手大学教育学部の 英語教育科の准教授であるジェームズ・ ホールといいます。私は岩手大学で小学校・中学校・高校の教員になりたい学生に教えています。学生の授業を担当しております。 私は、平成15年に岩手大学にきました。その前、4年間北海道に住んでいました。私の出身はアメリカのボストン市であります。私は10年前、高い目標を持ってこのページを作成致しましたが、それ以来facebook、twitter、academia、researchgateが現れて閉まって、手が回らなくなりました。このページで、学生の学習に役立つリンクを貼ることにした。
Seminar and Class Blogs
Teacher Ed. Classes/ ePortfolios
- ETM ePortfolios from 2016 – 2023, Lesson Studies from 2019
(2016年~2023年の英語科教育法のポートフォリオアーカイブ、2019年度からの授業研究)This is a collection of student ePortfolios. Here, you can find out about students’ experiences on their teaching practicums as well as in the university classroom. You can also find Lesson Study pages from 2019 to present. - English Teaching License Course for Primary School(教育職員免許法認定講習(中学校二種免許(英語))
Internship Sites
- Thailand and Japan Collaborative Lesson Study Project
(タイ・日本共同授業研究事業)This is a website/ web application I have been working SUPER hard on. - Study Abroad at North Central College (NCC)
Information about our NCC study abroad program on the English Department home page. You can also read monthly reports by students at NCC. Interesting stuff!
Personal Links
Jamie’s Blog
Jamie at Research Gate
Jamie at Academia
Jamie’s Researcher Link Page
Academic Journal Links
- Applied Linguistics
- Anthropology and Education
Quarterly - ELT Journal
- FltMag
- JALT Conference Proceedings
- JALT Journal
- Journal of Asia TEFL
- Language Learning
- Language Policy
- Language Teacher
- Modern Language Journal
- Reflective Practice
- System
- Teaching and Teacher Education
- TESL Journal
- TESL-EJ Journal
- TESOL Quarterly
- World Englishes
Japanese Journal Links
- Cinii: 学術論文ナビゲータ
- JStage
- This site was supposed to take the place of Cinii, but they both seem to be online.
Academic Society Links
- Asia TEFL
- CELES: 中部地区英語教育学会
- IALLT: International Association of Language Learning and Technology
- JACET: 全国大学英語教育学会
- JACET Teacher Cognition Sig: 言語教師認知研究会
- JALT: 全国語学教育学会
- JALT Teacher Education
- JASELE: 全国英語教育学会
- JASELE Tohoku
- JES: 全国小学校英語教育学会
- LET:外国語教育メディア学会
- World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS)
Past and Present Projects
- The Project for Curriculum Reform at Primary Level of Basic Education (Myanmar)
(初等教育カリキュラム改訂プロジェクト) - Internship for Teaching in Thailand (Older site)
This is the older Thai teaching internship site that still has some valuable information. - English Teaching License Course for Primary School
教育職員免許法認定講習(中学校二種免許(英語)) - Core Model Curriculum Project
(教員研修モデルカリキュラム開発プログラム) - Cross-Cultural Understanding Using US Picture Books
(英語絵本を活用した国際理解教育) - Multicultural Education Digital Teaching Portfolio
(多文化教育のディジタル・ティーチング・ポートフォリオ - Blogging in EFL Teacher Training
Random English Education Links
Language learning
- Many Things(For Students)
- IPA Phonetic Chart
- On-line IPA keyboard
- Enables you to put phonetic symbols into a document easily
- BYU Corpus
- One of the best concordance sites I have found
- Word Lists
- A great resource
- Longman’s Learner’s Dictionary
- To me, this seems to have the most word information and is most user friendly.
- Macmillan’s Learner’s Dictionary
Curriculum Planning
- CEFR Resource Page
- Relevant resources for CEFR
- World Education Data
- This Unesco page summarizes the education systems of most countries
- Word list for “We Can” and “Let’s try”
- Compiled by the Scholars of Hall
- Word list for JHS English textbooks
University Links
Downloadable/ online Apps etc.
- Zotero
- This is a free reference software I stated to use instead of Mendeley.
- Mendeley
- Free bibliographical software. I liked it but it is not compatible with the Mac Catalina OS.
- FreeMind
- A mind map program I like to use.
- Quizlet
- I am starting to use this for in-class quizzes.
- 伝助
- An online meeting scheduler, I use it all the time.
Global Education
- World Factbook
- Exhaustive statistics about each country.
- Cultural Crossing
- It explains verbal and nonverbal communication tendencies across countries.
- World Geography Quizzes
- I use this site often for class preparation when our topic is geography
- Country Etiquette Guides
- This is a cool site that gives an overview of customs and etiquette of various countries
- An amazing resource for teachers with thousands of simplified newspaper articles with accompanying language learning activities.