Pre Meeting with Wanda
Wanda observed a Fuzoku ES class and watched a class taught by a policeman about what to do when approached by a stranger. He thought that the relationship between students and teachers were very close. He thought the teacher was not only a teacher but also a friend. He will go on 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 7/1, 7/8.
He is interested in comparing the textbook he uses in Indonesia with the hi, Friends! He can compare the content, the language, the curriculum, etc.

- First Proposal: Action research in diary writing: teaching of writing and understanding of students in diary writing
- Second: Investigating the Possible Benefits of English Diary Writing in JHS
- Third: Using diary writing in JHS as a means to understand students and improve their skills
Maybe he will choose number 3.
She read part of “Learning English ASEAN: Myths and Principles”
At first, she thought that to teach English as soon as possible was the best way but the paper said that to teach English when students are a young age is not necessarily good.
So far, she has learned the following:
1) English is not pure. English is always changing.
Next time she will continue to read the article and tell us the myths.