New Scholars of Hall 2019 Research Ideas

ruTake: CLIL for Young Learners

相羽千州子・坂本孝之 (2017). 早期英語教育におけるCLILと大学院生による実践報告. 高等教育研究 24, 93-100.
(Aiba, C., Sakamoto, T., Wang, Y. (2017). CLIL in Early Childhood Education and Practical Report by Graduate Students.

○Topic of Interest
I’m interested in CLIL and Early childhood English education (Elementary school). Through graduation thesis, I would like to study the educational effects of early childhood education and CLIL.

○Summary of source
Some graduate school students did a CLIL class at an elementary school. This report explains the outline of CLIL and the meaning of the introduction of CLIL in English education at elementary schools in Japan. CLIL is good for ES because students can learn both content and language. An example is “the body of a beetle or grasshopper”). The outline describes CLIL definition and 4C (Content, Communication, Cognition, and Culture). In addition, the possibility of English language education and CLIL practice in Japanese public schools is described based on some practices by teaching postgraduate students. It is summarized about the usefulness and the subject in the practice of CLIL in elementary school by Aiba, Samamoto and Wang(2017).

In addition to this, they did a class in HS. Some students said they wanted to do the class again while others were not sure what subject they were taking.

Bad points:

The effect is not clear.

・What is the educational effects of early childhood English education and CLIL?
(+Relationship between Early English Education and Interest in CLIL)
○How to proceed
・I have to understand early childhood English education and CLIL.
・I would like to watch the CLIL classes.
・Conduct practical classes and check the effects.( It will take a long time from practice to result study)

Please read this and tell us about it:

Topic of Interest:

The Possibility of using applications for classes and how much teachers should adjust for JHS or high school students.


Kodai, vocabulary learning and quizlet

Summary of source:

This report refers to an effect of using an app, “Quizlet”, for out-of-class studying and making videos in some themes.

According to Aihara (2018), 77% of the students answered “useful” for quizzes, and about 80% of two classes answered “having fun” . On the other hand, A result of one class, which high proportion of using “Quizlet” and answered “useful”, showed low proportion of answering “having fun”. This result shows this: an application, no matter how funny it is, is hard to be utilized without a purpose of “getting better scores in quizzes”.

Aihara, S. (2018). Gakusei no jugyo gai gakushu wo unagasu kokoromi: An Attempt to Promote Students’ Out-of class Studying : Using Smartphones. Kenkyu Ronshu 108.


This report is just an example for me because it refers to university students and using one application.

How to proceed

I want to pick up some apps and consider how it can be used. In addition, I want to think about condition. In japan, junior high or high school students are under limited conditions to use devices in classes. I have to think about it so that teachers actually can do in classes.

Fuji-san: Poverty

International bank (2009). Hinkon purofairu [Poverty profile]. retrieved from


There is a need for non-formal education in poor areas, mathematics knowledge is especially important for life. It helps people in poverty to get jobs, to protect their rights.

Tujan, A. Japan ODA to the Philippines.In Fifty Years of Japan ODA A critical review for ODA reform, 137 – 187. Retrieved from


Tomo: Teaching Speaking

I am really interested in researching developing students’ skill for speaking including boosting their self-efficacy. Speaking ability is becoming very important in English classes because educators have found that they focus on grammar teaching too much and students are not willing to communicate in English. Moreover, some students hate learning English, and I want them to become to like English more. In my goal, I want to develop a method of improving speaking skill while they gradually understand how English is interesting to learn.

According to the research from Makino, he realized that high rate of self-efficacy is playing vital role in academic skill. As students get confident themselves in English, they can develop their English skill too. Plus, he also discovered that doing speaking activities will be more useful to boost students’ confident compared to teaching grammar and reading.

I want to know how to let students like English more and be confident with English, and I want to understand what speaking activities are helpful to make them enjoy in the class.


Practice, S., Learning, E., & Class, R. E. (n.d.). 英語リメディアル授業におけるスピーキング指導と 自己効力感の関係についての一考察 Relationship between Speaking Practice and Self-Efficacy toward English Learning in Remedial English Class. 1–16.

Sushina, Interaction at Elementary School

Eijiri, H.  (2018).Yaritori dekiru chikara wo sodateru shougakkou no jissen [Elementary school English for developing the ability for interaction]. 66(11), 13.


Teaching make a place to communicate and interact each other. Teacher use English which can understand the situation.

Mr, Ejiri research how to teaching that an exchange of communication.


Connection  Speaking

I want to research English materials for elementary school.

・All children play active role in activity.

・It’s not play activity, but children do it while thinking.


How to procced

・Research at books and Internet

・When I will do internship in Australia, I will research it from bilingual education.

Yui and Feedback

Shirahata, T. (2015). Eigo sidou ni okeru koukateki na ayamari teisei -daini genngo syuutoku kennkyu no kenchiki kara- [effective error correction in English instruction: from the perspective of second language acquisition]. Tokyo: Osyukansyoten.

Topic of Interest: Feedback

Summary of source:

To make a student understand why his/her teacher correct his/her errors, the teacher should understand the errors and the student needs to understand why the teacher correct it.

Clear feedback(明示的フィードバック) were effective soon after the teacher did. In the long view, however, the feedback can be effective on some grammar such as “the” and “uncountable noun,” but others cannot be effective such as “vocabulary.”

Connection: I would like to write a thesis about feedback

How to proceed: Read theses about feedback more and think and decide how to deal with my thesis.
