She has made her research questions more objective. The new questions are:
- To what extent does Crown include CLIL principles?
- What kind of lesson plans are compatible for CLIL with Crown?
Method for Number 1:
- What portions of the book are related to the four skills?
- Cognition levels:What kinds of questions does the text have?
- Kind of content: (Criteria not determined)
- Communication: Opportunities for communication
Possibility for Comparisons
- To what extent do high school komyunike-shon eigo I textbooks include CLIL principles?
- Significance: CLIL is a method which can meet the demands of the new English curriculum
- We can answer is textbooks are compatible with a new approach for teaching English
- Significance: CLIL is a method which can meet the demands of the new English curriculum
- Literature review: James’ advise = flow, one section leads into the other, which leads into the other, etc…
- History of English education in Japan (New entrance exam will evaluate four skills)
- History of teaching methodology in Japan
- Societal needs for English
- Current and Next Course of Study
- James’ advice: you will need to discuss high schools and textbooks (Wanda)
- Principles
- CLIL in Japan
- History of English education in Japan (New entrance exam will evaluate four skills)
Next time, potential outline of paper
Next, tell us about observation