Sae’s Paper
- Introduce the topic and discuss why you wanted to research it
- 新学習指導要領、子どもたちが書きたい要望 BUT 今までは、書くことが小学校で行われてこなかったんで、慎重さ
- Discuss about the importance of writing + spelling
- 先行研究=文字指導の重要性、音素認識、音韻認識、書くことのsmall step
- Give an outline of your paper. First, I will discuss……
- 先行研究
- English letters express sounds
- Background on phonological and phonemic awareness and their necessity
- The challenge of Japanese to learn English sounds
- Japanese words consists of moras. Ne-ko. A mora has one consonant sound and one syllable sounds.
- The sound units of English words are phonemes. Cat is composed of 3 sounds k-a-t. Japanese do not learn phonemes in isolation. Japanese learners need to become familiar with English sounds to be able to pronounce and spell the language correctly.
- Research questions
- To what extent can word writing instruction help develop students’ phonemic awareness? (Choosing the sounds, pre vs. post)
- To what extent can students develop their phonological awareness in elementary school English classes? (Writing the words)
- To what extent can writing instruction improve students’ recognition of sound and letter correspondence? (Questionnaire answers)
- Methodology
- Participants
- Procedures: Two teaching periods (June and October), June’s goal is …. October’s goal is …..
- June Unit + tasks
- October Unit and tasks
- Data Collection
- June: pre test, class, post-test, questionnaire, reflection sheets
- October/November:pre test, class, post-test, questionnaire, reflection sheets
- Analysis
- How you analyzed questionnaires
- How you analyzed reflection sheets
- Findings
- June Class
- Summarize the class
- Reflection sheets: Children focused on speaking, children focused on communication, rate of achievement got higher.
- Pre-test: There were some procedural problems. It will be improved next time. However, from the results I have, I will hypothesize that…
- Post-test: Students can understand beginning sounds but have a more difficult time recognizing sounds in the middle of words.
- October Class
- Summarize the class
- Reflection Sheets
- Pre-test
- Post test
- November Class
- Summarize the class
- Reflection Sheets
- Pre-test
- Post test
- June Class
- Discussion
- How does the pre and post test answer the research questions?
- At the moment, it is difficult to say the extent that the treatment had on their phonological awareness. However, students were listening to and writing words. Furthermore, they did show signs of phonological awareness.
- Listening and speaking English at the beginning stages is essential for developing phonological and phonemic awareness. This unit might have helped give students the necessary foundation for developing these two awarenesses. Students were listening, speaking, writing what they hear as well as practicing and listening to individual English sounds.
- How does the pre and post test answer the research questions?