2019 Scholars: October Plans for Theses


A study of exchange activities and collaborative learning between children in special needs schools and children in elementary schools

RQ: (We still need to write these! Look at the 英語教育研究 book I lent you and read what it says about research questions)

An interview survey of 4 Special Need School Teachers

By 10/30 list of questions


English education and social skills.

How English education influences learners’ social competence and the elements of creating effective classes to make it

Next week: Tell James your research questions and show your questionnaire.


For data collection, we do a chapter of TKT. Students have a word quiz before the chapter. They study the words over a week; half the students use a wordlist, the other half use quizlet. The next week, they take the quiz again.


Today, James will lend the Zone some elementary school books.

By 10/30, you need to come up with a framework for analyzing the textbooks.

Very Cold

To answer the questions, what is the difference between 復興教育 on the coast and inland,

October 25: Tairadate Elementary School; studies about 復興教育, inner Iwate

October 30: Kamaishi

James’ advise: Get many different kinds of data: Observation, publications, interview(?)


Gave questionnaires to Matsudate Sensei and he did the questionnaires. She will get them during teaching practice. He will do questionnaires during the last 交流会 (10/18).

By 10/30, start putting the data into excel.




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