Bulletin of English Education Iwate University (岩手大学英語教育論集)
英検三級、教科書、高校入試問題における中学校レベルの語彙レベルとリーダビリティ比較 / 工藤 卓大
コミュニケーション英語Ⅰの教科書は内容言語統合型学習(Content and Language Integrated learning)の実施に相応しいか? / 田中 綾乃
Educational English Project “Let’s discover the values of our town” – Project-based Learning / Edwin A. Protllio
A Case Study of Phonics Instruction and its Effect towards Students Phonemic Awareness in a Japanese Elementary School / Wanda Firmansyah
A report on the implementation of a mobile learning framework and trial language course study: to inform on the future development and language practices in M-learning / Simon Townsend, Yuji Shuhama
As Silent… / Mike Unher