The Class of 2020-2021 Graduate Thesis Presentations were held on February 5th, 2021. There were a total of 26 speakers, which was likely one of the largest group of speakers we have had! This year, all the students handouts were given online. The title of the presentations and order of speakers is below. The original program has been removed.
Listeners could also give comments and ask questions on this page. These comments can be seen below.
Video of Presentations

Yurina Chiba (13:05 – 13:12) | Sarina Chiba (14:35 – 14:42) | Kota Abe (16:05 – 16:12) |
BREAK | ||
Tsubasa Ito (13:15 – 13:22) | BREAK | Koga Suzuki (16:25 – 16:32) |
Tomoyuki Takahashi (13:25 – 13:32) | Rin Murakami (14:55 – 15:02) | Kento Kunii (16:35 – 16:42) |
Taito Shida (13:35 – 13:42) | Ren Sugawara (15:05 – 15:12) | Kazuki Ishida (16:45 – 16:52) |
Taiga Nagashima (13:45 – 13:52) | Ren Kaimori (15:15 – 15:22) | Haruka Fujimori (16:55 – 17:02) |
Sota Yamazaki (13:55 – 14:02) | Natsuko Kobayashi (15:25 – 15:32) | Fuka Takakashi (17:05 – 17:12) |
Sora Onehara (14:05 – 14:12) | Mizuho Ube (15:35 – 15:42) | Ayaka Motomiya (17:15 – 17:22) |
Shun Iwabuchi (14:15 – 14:22) | Masatoshi Nakamura (15:45 – 15:52) | Anri Sasaki (17:25 – 17:32) |
Shohei Kikawa (14:25 – 14:32) | Kyoka Furuya (15:55 – 16:02) | Akiho Hashimura (17:35 – 17:45) |
Your presentation was wonderful and I also think that we have to understand the value of each person.
I was not very familiar with a log of the values you presented. I would like to learn about them.
Your presentation was very easy to follow, you explained the literary concepts well.
Thank you for asking why I chose the Harry Potter. When I read the series for the first time four years ago, I was deeply impressed and I have gotten interested in English literature. Therefore, I chose Harry Potter books.
I was happy to learn that your experience in Thailand inspired you! I think next time it would be interesting to compare the CLIL features of different textbooks.
What I like about your research is that you are investigating an issue that you have always been interested in. Ogawa Sensei gave you a very good question. I definitely think you should try to read Dornyei and Murphey!
Your presentation was wonderful, and i also have to think how to motivate students for learning English, thank you!
Thank you for your presentation.
I have a question. Why did you think that “a half mile” is also express the distance of mind?
Thank you for your comment.
その文の後に、He did not want them. という文があるのですが、このことから少年は地元の子どもたちに興味がないことがわかります。物語の初めの場面では触れ合える程度の距離にいました。初めは興味を持っていたのに今は無い、そして最初は近い距離だったが、最後には半マイル空いたという対比関係がこの物語にあるのでは無いかと考察しました。
私は物語を何度も読み直す事が好きなのですが、自身の考察を他者へ伝えたり、他者の考察を実際に耳にする事があまりありませんでした。Areas for future inquiryを聴き、多くの人々の考察を取り入れることによってその物語をより好きになれる様に思いました。
I thought this was very original research; I cannot remember students doing such an analysis.
Basically, I wanted to know what in particular you could understand from doing the structural analysis on these books. You mentioned 自己成長. Therefore, I was wondering how you arrived at this conclusion.
I also wanted to know how structural analysis is different from other ways or analyzing books?
I understood from doing the structural analysis that what a writer want to tell a reader is hidden in a key word. I’m sorry 自己成長 is a theme of through the tunnel and I don’t know that differences from structural analysis and other ways because I haven’t studied.
Got it. Thanks for the explanation!
I liked your argument about the importance of evaluation that gives students a sense of accomplishment. Your research has inspired me to investigate the connection between elementary school and JHS next year.
I also think that it is necessary to connect English subject between elementary school and junior high school in each skill. But I DO NOT know how to connect each school. So, let’s think about it together later.
I know there is not much time to present, but it would be good to provide a quick explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The challenging part of your research is trying to link all the different pieces together: intrinsic/ extrinsic motivation, international understanding, and ICT. Good effort!
Thank you for your presentation. I understood your topic and i would like to try to use music for listening activities so that students can think about the, he and she.
I quite liked it when you sang. Very nostalgic research for me.
I think we need to try these techniques to investigate their effectiveness. I hope you do some action research in the future.
Thank you for comment! I agree your idea. If I can enter a graduated school, I am going to do some action research such as shadowing and pronunciation practice!
I am sorry I missed your presentation but it looks like it went very well! I like how you categorized the responses in the handout. You got a lot of questions, great!
I was interested in the difference of speed of “yes”.
私は楊がをよく見るのですが、字幕がない場面がたまにあり、なぜなのか気になっていました。りんさんの研究は特にも”Yes”にフォーカスしていて、これから洋画を見る際に、Yes が省略されているかどうか注目してみようと思いました。
There are students who take more time to understand contents than the others. As you explained, I figured out what I have to do as scaffoldings, thank you!
I think that this is a very important study for a future teacher! Teaching mixed abilities is one of the most challenging parts of being a teacher. Being able to diagnose reading problems is important for teachers. Good work!
I hope you will be a perfect high school English teacher!
You are a very charismatic speaker! I thought your findings were interesting. I was interested to know the kinds of words were not covered in textbooks which appeared in the listening test. Thanks for answering my question!
Your research was interesting!
I hope you can use this result in your teacher career!
You were very skilled at using the online handout! I think that this is an important topic, because it is not discussed much in Japan. I agree with you that the number of labels for sexual preferences as well as gender identities is increasing. I think these labels might be positive because they are recognizing and legitimizing different identities and sexual preferences.
Your research has had an impact on the way I do Sotsuron! I look forward to seeing the types of rubrics you develop as a teacher.
I learned rubrics are going to play a vital role in teaching. But could you tell me what criteria is needed for making rubrics?